Are you up for a Challenge? Part 1 – Guest Post by Jemima Pett…

Jemima Pett, guest blogging at Chris the Story Reading Ape talks about the atoz challenge (blogging 6 days a week throughout April, taking the letter a as the prompt on 1st. April, b on 2nd., and so on. I did it last year and am still prevaricating about whether to do it again this year. (You can see my atoz posts from last year by clicking the atozchallenge tag above)

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog


Reading, writing, blogging, they all have their own challenges. And then some of us go and make it, if not competitive, then something of a commitment, a target to achieve in a set timescale.

I’m getting to be a bit of a challenge-aholic, so I’m going to talk about these challenges in three posts, starting today with Blogging Challenges.

Once upon a time, I started my blog. I didn’t have much of an idea what to write about, except my progress in writing a book, or rather, bringing the books I’d already written into the public eye. And the first bit of advice about that is: write a blog. I wandered about, posting occasionally, probably never being read, until something happened that changed my blogging life. I expect you had a similar experience. If you haven’t then let me introduce you to…

The A to Z April Blogging Challenge

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6 thoughts on “Are you up for a Challenge? Part 1 – Guest Post by Jemima Pett…

    1. The first year I did it I didn’t know about scheduling. It was hard, and I didn’t do much visiting. Then I found out, and now I work on a plan to get ten done by the end of Jan, ten more by the end of February, and complete them by the end of March. There’s usually one or two down the back end of the alphabet that need something last-minute, though!

      If you want to use photos or illustrations you need to plan months ahead, IMHO. But the graphics the team do to give badges and letter pics are out now, and they are fab.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Given that you already post most days, in theory you should be able to manage it – but you’d have to think about how it fitted in with your current schedule – eg., Thursday’s Cite and Insight would need to use a quote beginning with the relevant letter each time.


    1. I think people are split between doing their ‘normal’ posts and the other a to z ones, Frank. I enjoy fitting my normal posts like flash fiction to the letters – I do book reviews on Saturday, and those can be hard to get something suitable read for – and of course the reading has to be done months before. One year I dnf’d on one book…


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