EU Cookie Law Banner Timed Appearance…

Remember my post about the EU cookie banner that you are obliged by law to include on your blog? That came via Chris, The Story Reading Ape. Here he is again, with an update. If the person reading your post doesn’t click the ‘Close and Accept’ button, you can set a timer to automatically remove it after a time you specify. I’m not sure of the legal status of such an action, but the fact that it was there for the reader to see must be deemed to be sufficient warning.

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

You may remember the my post on 11th January 2017:


which advised about the law and described how to comply with it.

One of my blog followers, Madelyn Griffith-Haynie, asked if the banner can be timed out instead of having the compulsory CLICK AND ACCEPT Option

The answer is YES.

Go into your Admin


Scroll down to find the EU Cookie Law Banner

(which I placed at the bottom of my sidebar)

Once in place, open the Widget using the small right hand triangle

You will find the recommended option is ‘after the user clicks the dismiss button’

Select the ‘after this amount of time’ option instead

Change the default from 30 seconds, to whatever you want to make it


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One thought on “EU Cookie Law Banner Timed Appearance…

  1. Thanks for sharing Frank – The option is given by WP to time out the banner, so no problem there – The main thing is to comply to it (if you’re in the EU jurisdiction) and notify viewers that Cookies are used.


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