Helping Jo With Her Last Chapter.

I am grateful to Stevie Turner for sharing this blog from writer Jo Robinson. If you read it you will see that she has posed a number of questions. My responses are below, and I guess they reveal that I am one very lucky guy. What about you? Why not follow her suggestion and answer her questions on your blog or in the comments on hers.

Image shows3D image of a book entitled The Secret Life of People in print, tablet at smart phone editions

1. Do you believe that you are living a fulfilled life?

Yes – married 55 years, modestly successful career as an Engineer, a decade in politics trying to serve my community through its governance, 4 decades of serving the community as a volunteer. Now officially retired but still active as a volunteer and trying a new career as a writer.

2. Do you think that people have a purpose, and if so, do you know what yours is?

Yes – to do whatever you can to make the lives of others, especially those close to you, to reach their potential.

3. Are you satisfied with the way the world and your country is governed?

No – Who is? It’s mostly because no two people can agree on what is the best way for the country/world to be governed. So at any one time at least half the people will be dissatisfied – and if compromises are reached many more than half will be!

4. Do you think that civilised societies today are on the right track?

Not entirely – in recent decades civilised societies have lost their way, pursuing material well being without giving sufficient thought to its effect on the environment, other people and future generations.

5. If you work, are you happy with your job?

I had many jobs over the years and was happy in all of them.

6. If money was no object, what would you do with your days?

Probably nothing much different to what I do now – after all, I am in the fortunate position of having a pension that provides for my immediate needs with a little over – in other words, money is no real object!

7. Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation?


8. Do you believe that there will be consequences for good or evil acts?

Yes – but in this life, not in any future existence

9. Do you or someone that you know have problems with anxiety or depression?


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