The Last Post

Photo by Fengyou Wan on Unsplash This is my last post on WordPress. I have posted very little in the past year or so. I have not been writing a lot anyway. Most of my contributions to on-line conversations about current affairs and books have taken place on Medium. It seems pointless continuing to pay the subscription for this url. The next annual installment is due on 11th May 2024. I shall not be renewing. Therefore this website will cease to exist after that date. Try not to worry, though! I created a Substack sometime ago and will be moving … Continue reading The Last Post

What I (and 800+) Other Authors Have Been Reading this Year

I wonder how many of the books listed you have read in the past year. Why not tell me in the coimments. What book(s) have you enjoyed that do not featuer in this list? When responding feel free to include a link to your review. Continue reading What I (and 800+) Other Authors Have Been Reading this Year

What a #Brexit Mess

The version of Brexit chosen by Boris Johnson and his acolytes is incompatible with the Belfast Agreement. I know that and have repeated it often. Most people know that. There are practical as well as political reasons why any kind of barrier to trade between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland is unmanageable. There are businesses whose premises straddle the border agreed a hundred years ago. Not all of them are farms. A cow grazes a meadow in Northern Ireland but is milked in the Republic. Is the milk British or Irish? This problem was recognised by the UK’s … Continue reading What a #Brexit Mess


As a whiskey lover I am interested in any such development, more so, given that it is also centred on a woodland just a few miles from my home in Stradbally. Unfortunately I would have to win the lottery to be able to afford a bottle of this rare specialty! Continue reading IRISH DISTILLERS REINFORCES SUSTAINABILITY CREDENTIALS WITH NEW CHAPTER IN THE MIDLETON VERY RARE DAIR GHAELACH STORY — WhiskeyTalk2U