Monday Musings – Staying Sane at Home

Last week the Welsh woman who runs a book review blog called “Booker Talk” posted some helpful hints for people forced to stay home by the present crisis.

A pleasure we’ll have to forgo for a while

I foolishly commented suggesting that having to stay away from work was similar to being retired. I had forgotten two things about retirement as I experienced it. Firstly, I did indeed experience something akin to cabin fever after the first few months. Secondly, I found opportunities for volunteering in my new local community, as described in this post from August last year.

I should have known better. Just last Monday I found myself in the strange situation of being unable to attend the cancer support centre where I volunteer. Normally in times such as these I would be at the head of the queue offering my help. Instead I find myself in a “vulnerable group” more likley to become the recipient of help rather than being in a position to do it.

As the UK goes into lockdown, I consider myself extremely fortunate that I have a garden that I can get out into and that I live on the edge of a small town in a rural area where I can take a walk and have ample space to keep my distance. I feel desperately sorry for anyone in a city, living in a flat or apartment with little or no outside space of their own and where public outside spaces are over-crowded.

Maybe the ideas in the Booker Talk post will help you. Stay safe and stay well, where ever you are.

6 thoughts on “Monday Musings – Staying Sane at Home

  1. Apart from the virus we have had family medical dramas and it’s lucky everyone is back home. As I am now officially a fulltime carer I am restricted to home anyway, sadly everyone else is in the same position. The other aspect is brought home as our younger son and his girlfriend are self employed and work is evaporating around them.

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  2. Learning a new dance over here, it’s called “Social Distancing,” the ultimate in modern dancing where the rule is, you must stay 2 meters away from your partner. Even John Calvin would have permitted it.

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    1. I’m picturing it, Sha’. Yesterday morning I phoned a well known UK & Ireland supermarket chain to sign up for their free delivery service for over 65s. When they put me on hold the ‘music’ was very syncopated and had me dancing around the kitchen. Coudn’t help thinking they’d chosen the music to help we olduns to keep fit!


      1. Hahahahahah! I guess we keep on dancing.

        “And those who dance, begin to dance
        Those who weep begin
        And Welcome, welcome cries a voice
        Let all my guests come in.

        And no one knows where the night is going …
        And all go stumbling through that house
        in lonely secrecy
        Saying Do reveal yourself
        or Why has thou forsaken me?
        And no one knows where the night is going …”
        (excerpt from “The Guests” by Leonard Cohen)

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